2016. February 08.

Organization Unit:
Research field:
- Kötélhálók
- Rugalmas szerkezetek nagy elmozdulása
- Rugalmas szerkezetek stabilitása
- Rugalmas szerkezetek posztkritikus vizsgálata
- Rugalmas szerkezetek tökéletlenségérzékenysége
- Katasztrófaelmélet
- Numerikus módszerek
- Elhelyezési és fedési problémák
1944. December 13.
1967 Civil engineering MSc, Technical University of Budapest
1970 Mathematician MSc, Eötvös University, Budapest
1972 University Doctor, Technical University of Budapest
1977 Candidate of Technical Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1985 Doctor of Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1993 Corresponding member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1998 Ordinary member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2006 Foreign Member of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Göteborg
- Russian, state examination, intermediate level, 1969
- German, state examination, basic level, 1973
- English, state examination, intermediate level, 1975
1991 Technical University of Budapest, Student Jug Prize
1991 Technical University of Budapest, Rectorial Prize
1995, 1996, 1997 Technical University of Budapest, Teacher of the year
1998, 2009 Technical University of Budapest, Certificate of merit from the Rector
1999 Minister of Education, Szent-Györgyi Albert Prize
2000 Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Ipolyi Arnold Prize
2002 President of Hungary, Széchenyi István Prize
2008 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Certificate of merit from the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
1998-2000 Ministry of Education, Széchenyi Professorial Grant
2014 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, József Nádor Medallion
1967-1970 Research assistant
1970-1979 Research fellow
1979-1987 Senior research fellow
1987-1991 Scientific advisor
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Group for Applied Mechanics -
1991- Professor
1991-1994 Deputy dean
1993-1996, 2004-2009 Head of department
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Structural Mechanics -
1996-1998 Head of the Research Group for Structural Stability, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Technical University of Budapest
1999-2006 Head of the Research Group for Computational Structural Mechanics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Technical University of Budapest
1976 University College of London (3 months)
1980 Warwick University, Coventry (5 months)
1988 Visiting professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Structural Engineering, Göteborg, Sweden (6 months)
1963-1967 Hungarian People's Republic Scholarship
1976 Scholarship of the British Council, Visit to University College London
1980 Scholarship of the British Council, Visit to University of Warwick, Coventry
Teaching experience:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics:
Statics lectures and tutorials in Hungarian
Strength of Materials tutorials in Hungarian
Dynamics tutorials in Hungarian
Structural Analysis tutorials in Hungarian
Finite Element Method lectures and tutorials in Hungarian
Theory of Structures lectures in Hungarian
Plasticity lectures in Hungarian
Computing lectures in Hungarian
Analysis of Buildings lectures in Hungarian
Analysis of Bridges and Engineering Structures lectures in Hungarian
Theory of Stability PhD lectures in Hungarian and in English
Nonlinear Finite Element Method PhD lectures in Hungarian
Chalmers University of Technology:
Stability of Elastic Structures lectures in English
Gábor Domokos, Candidate of technical science in 1989
Géza Lámer, Candidate of technical science in 1991
László Bognár, Candidate of technical science in 1993
1991-1995 Tran Tuan Son
Krisztián Hincz, PhD in 2003
Róbert Németh, PhD in 2004
2005-2007 Ferenc Pezer
2007-2008 András Bibó
1985- Member, 1990-1997 Secretary, 1997-2002 President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
1988-2000 Member of editorial board, Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Series for Civil Engineering
1990- Member, Hungarian Academy of Engineering
1991-1994 Member of editorial board, Periodica Polytechnica, Series for Civil Engineering
1991- Member, IUTAM Hungarian National Committee
1992-1995 Member, Association Universitaire de Mecanique
1992-1996 Member, Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties
1994-1996 Member, Scientific Research Committee of the Higher Education and Scientific Council
1995-1999 Member, Sigma XI Scientific Research Society
1995-2000 Member, Science Ethics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1995-2011 Member of the Executive Committee, Central European Association for Computational Mechanics
1996-2000, 2004-2008 Alternate member, Doctoral Council of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1997-1999 Member, Architecture and Engineering Jury of Széchenyi Professorial Grant
1997-2000 Member, Scientific College for Physical Sciences and Engineering, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
1997-2000 Head, Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Jury, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
1997-2000 Member, Architecture, Engineering and Land Development Subcommittee of the Kossuth and Széchenyi Prize Committee
1997-2007 Member, Advisory Board of Bolyai Research Grant
1997- Member, Engineering Committee of the Advisory Board of the Higher Education Book and Library Fund
1997-2012 Member of editorial board, Journal of Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences
2000-2004 Member, Széchenyi István Advisory Board
2000-2006 Member of editorial board, Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics
2000-2012 Member of editorial board, 2012- Editor in Chief, Építés- Építészettudomány
2002- Member of the Committee of Mechanics of Solid Bodies, Section of Technical Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1993-2006 Member, 1993-1994 Vice president, 1997-2006 President, Doctoral Council and Habilitation Committee of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2000-2006 Member, Doctoral Council and Habilitation Committee of Surveying and Geoinformatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2006- President, Doctoral Council and Habilitation Committee of the Civil Engineering Faculty, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1997- Member, Doctoral Council and Habilitation Committee of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Organiser or co-organiser of several conferences: EUROMECH 69; EUROMECH 200; 2nd Rg. Coll. on Stability of Steel Structures; GAMM Tagung 1982; Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics 1996, 1998 and 2002; III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X. and XI. MAMEK; 1st and 2nd Int. PhD Symp. in Civil Eng.; 3rd and 4th Int. Conf. on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures; 2nd European Conf. on Computational Mechanics 2001; 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference 2006; IASBE Symposium on Responding to Tomorrow’s Challenges in Structural Engineering, 2006; 18th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Zielona Góra, 2009; Comutatational Modelling and Advanced Simulations, Bratislava, 2009; IV. European Conf. on Computational Mechanics, Paris, 2010; 19th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Warsaw, 2011
Organiser of minisymposia: 21st Int. Cong. of IUTAM, 2005; VII. World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2006; VIII. World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2008
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Date of birth:
1944. December 13.
Education, degrees:
Grants and awards:
Previous employment, status:
Visiting scientist:
Teaching experience:
Professional activity:
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