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A téma rövid leírása, a kidolgozandó feladat részletezése:
There are several cities in Hungary such as Eger, Budafok, Castle hill of Buda and in other part of the world as well such as Paris, Rome where the ancient underground cellars and cavities cause problems. These problems are mostly related to the existing buildings or development of the area. The investigations of these underground cellars started many decades before. The numerical methods which are commonly used for engineering geological problems can be also used for stability analysis of these cavities and for the investigations of the relations between cellar stability and landslides. According to previous experiences the design of the support system of these cellars were made by empirical methods. For more efficient and economical solution detailed investigations and calculations are needed.
The task of the PhD student is to determine the input parameters of numerical modelling with using of the results of in situ and laboratory investigations (for example: parameters of joints, rock mass properties, UCS values in dry and water saturated condition). Furthermore, part of her/his task also the analysis of the factors influencing the stability of the cavities with 2D and 3D numerical methods. For modelling of the cavities the Rocscience software package is available at the department.
The in-situ, laboratory and numerical investigations provides useful results for the international practice as well about the old underground structures and about the protection against the hazards caused by these cavities.
A téma meghatározó irodalma:
Ciotoli G., Ferri G., Nisio S., Succhiarelli C. 2015. The underground cavities in the territory of Rome: typologies, distribution and sinkhole susceptibility. In: Galeazzi C., Bixio R., Germani C., ed. Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities. HYPOGEA 2015, Rome 17.11.2015.
Ciantia M. O., Castellanza R., Prisco C., Lollino P., Merodo J. A. F., Frigerio G. 2015. Evaluation of the stability of underground cavities in calcarenite interacting with buildings using numerical analysis. In: Lollino G., Giordan D., Marunteanu C., Christaras B., Yoshinori I., Margottini C. (ed.) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8: Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015. pp. 65-69.
Al Heib M., Duval C., Watelet J.-M., Gombert P. 2015. Back-analysis of the collapse of the Clamart chalk underground quarry – Paris (France). In:Winter M.G., Smith D.M., Eldred P.J.L., Toll D.G. (ed.) Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development: XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 4800 p. Edinburgh, Skócia, 2015.09.13-2015.09.17. London: ICE Publishing, pp. 1525-1530. ISBN:978-0-7277-6067-8
Suchowerskaa A.M., Merifielda R.S., Cartera J.P., Clausenb J. 2012. Prediction of underground cavity roof collapse using the Hoek–Brown failure criterion. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol44, pp93-103.
Caudron M., Al Heib M., Emeriault F. 2008. Collapses of underground cavities and soil-structure interactions: influences of the position of the structure relative to the cavity. In: The 12th International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 0-6 October, 2008, Goa, India.
A téma hazai és nemzetközi folyóiratai:
Magyar Építőipar
Földtani Közlöny (Q3)
Central European Geology (Q3 ill Q4)
Periodica Politechnica-Civil Engineering (Q2)
Natural Hazards of Earth System Sciences (Q1)
Engineering Geology (Q1)
A témavezető utóbbi tíz évben megjelent 5 legfontosabb publikációja:
Karay Gy., Görög P., Hajnal G. 2012. Budavári üregek állékonyságvizsgálata. MAGYAR ÉPÍTŐIPAR (ISSN: 0025-0074) 62: (6) pp. 208-214.
Görög P., Vámos M., Török Á., Vásárhelyi B. 2010. A Geológiai Szilárdsági Index (GSI) magyarországi alkalmazhatósága. FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY (ISSN: 0015-542X) 140: (1) pp. 89-96.
Görög P. 2007. Characterization and the mechanical properties of the eocene buda marl. CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY (ISSN: 1788-2281) (eISSN: 1789-3348) 50: (3) pp. 241-258.
Bögöly Gy., Görög P. 2015. Numerical Testing of a Small-Scale Stone Masonry Arch. PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING (ISSN: 0553-6626) (eISSN: 1587-3773) 59: (4) pp. 567-573.
Görög P., Török Á. 2007. Slope stability assessment of weathered clay by using field data and computer modelling: a case study from Budapest. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES (ISSN: 1561-8633) (eISSN: 1684-9981) 7: (3) pp. 417-422.
A témavezető fenti folyóiratokban megjelent 5 közleménye:
Görög P., Török Á. 2007. Slope stability assessment of weathered clay by using field data and computer modelling: a case study from Budapest. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES (ISSN: 1561-8633) (eISSN: 1684-9981) 7: (3) pp. 417-422.
Görög P. 2007. Engineering geologic properties of the Oligocene Kiscell Clay, CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY 50: (4)
Görög P., Hangodi Á., Török Á. 2013. Stability analyses of underground structures cut into porous limestone, In: Szerk.: Pierre Delage, Szerk.: Jacques Desrues, Szerk.: Roger Frank, Szerk.: Alain Puech, Szerk.: Francois Schlosser Proceedings 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Challenges and Innovations in Geotechnics. Paris: Presses des Ponts, pp. 1707-1710.
Bögöly Gy., Borbély D., Görög P. 2014. Előkészítő vizsgálatok kőboltozat laboratóriumi modellezéséhez, MAGYAR ÉPÍTŐIPAR 64: (4)
Borbély D., Megyeri T., Görög P. 2015. Significance of Joint Pattern on Modelling of a Drill and Blast Tunnel in Crystalline Rock, In: Szerk.: Giorgio Lollino, Szerk.: Daniele Giordan, Szerk.: Kurosch Thuro, Szerk.: Carlos Carranza-Torres, Szerk.: Faquan Wu, Szerk.: Paul Marinos, Szerk.: Carlos Delgado Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 6: Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects. Cham (Németország): Springer International Publishing, pp. 905-908.
A témavezető eddigi doktoranduszai
Varró Richárd Imre (2017//)
Borbély Dániel (2013/2018/)
Bögöly Gyula (2012/2015/2016)
Jalal ZENAH (2017/2022/)
Tarifard Karvigh Abolfazl (2019/2023/2025)
Saltanat Yesselbayeva (2024//)
Oláh Petra (2021//)